We have moved!
Our new address is 4 Washington Square, Greenwich, NY 12834.

About us

We help our clients achieve milestones, solve problems, and complete projects on time.

Flatley Read, Inc. is dedicated to making sure that your home is efficient, free of environmental hazards, and a part of a beautiful and vibrant community. We achieve this mission by providing a variety of services to individuals, municipalities, as well as public and private organizations, including environmental analysis, EPA and DOL certified contractor training courses. We also provide community development services, including grant writing, project management, and program assistance for state and federally funded projects.

Community Leaders

You are working hard to revitalize a municipality that you love. Perhaps the area is economically depressed or suffers from apathy or disorganization.

Flatley Read can help you:

  • Identify, prioritize and fund your goals
  • Assist in implementing solutions so as not to inadvertently cause new problems.
We offer grant writing, grant and program administration, project management, strategic planning and support with operations.

Black businesswoman addressing colleagues at a board meeting
Engineer, foreman and worker discussing and working in building construction site


You’re seeking training for your employees so they can receive licensing or certification in order to conduct their work. Perhaps you’re confused about which classes you need, and you have a deadline for certification so that you can begin working on a project.

We make the registration and training completion training as intuitive and smooth as possible.

Flatley Read has the expertise to guide you and your team through the correct procedures to gain certification.


Flatley Read and our staff remains vigilant in our response to the ongoing COVID crisis while returning to work. To ensure the safety of our staff and our clients, we have implemented the following policies:

  • We will call to confirm with homeowners that they are prepared for a home visit, let them know about precautions we will use, and inquire whether there is anyone who is feeling ill, have traveled outside the state or country, or has been in contact with someone with coronavirus. If they have, we will reschedule and inform you of the delay.
  • We will also ask that homeowners properly social distance while we are in their home, and wear a mask if they need to come within 6 feet of staff.
  • We have implemented an extended sick leave policy. If any one of our employees is feeling ill, or someone in their family is feeling ill, they are to self-quarantine and we will reassign or reschedule appointments. We will notify you if this causes any delays.
  • All equipment will be sanitized before and after each site visit.
  • Field staff will wear a mask and latex gloves at all times while in a home**.

**Field staff are required to change their gloves each time they take a dust wipe sample to prevent cross contamination. While sampling, they may take off and put on new gloves, but should not touch anything in this process.

If anyone has any additional concerns, or precautions that they request we take, please be in touch.

Thank you,

Michelle DeGarmo
Drew Alberti

Contact Us

We have moved!

Our new address is: 
4 Washington Square
Greenwich, NY 12834


About Flatley Read, Inc.

Flatley Read, Inc. is dedicated to making sure that your home is efficient, free of environmental hazards, and a part of a beautiful and vibrant community. We achieve this mission by providing a variety of services to individuals, municipalities, as well as public and private organizations, including environmental analysis, EPA and DOL certified contractor training courses. We also provide community development services, including grant writing, project management, and program assistance for state and federally funded projects.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations made at least 24 hours prior to the first day of all classes will be eligible for an account credit to be used within one-year of the registered course start date. No refunds will be made for no call / no show attendees.