Who we serve

Community Leaders

You are working hard to revitalize a municipality that you love. Perhaps the area is economically depressed or suffers from apathy or disorganization.

Flatley Read can help you:

  • Identify, prioritize and fund your goals
  • Assist in implementing solutions so as not to inadvertently cause new problems.
We offer grant writing, grant and program administration, project management, strategic planning and support with operations.
Black businesswoman addressing colleagues at a board meeting


Black businesswoman addressing colleagues at a board meeting

Nonprofit Organizations

Black businesswoman addressing colleagues at a board meeting

Private Homeowners

Black businesswoman addressing colleagues at a board meeting

Commercial Building Owners

Black businesswoman addressing colleagues at a board meeting


You’re seeking training for your employees so they can receive licensing or certification in order to conduct their work. Perhaps you’re confused about which classes you need, and you have a deadline for certification so that you can begin working on a project.

We make the registration and training completion training as intuitive and smooth as possible.

Flatley Read has the expertise to guide you and your team through the correct procedures to gain certification.

Engineer, foreman and worker discussing and working in building construction site

Health Departments


Engineer, foreman and worker discussing and working in building construction site

State Agencies


Engineer, foreman and worker discussing and working in building construction site

NPC / RPC Programs


Engineer, foreman and worker discussing and working in building construction site